Property has been in hot demand for years now, and the building industry is doing its best to catch up. Land doesn’t grow on trees though, so architects and city planners are thinking differently about how best to utilise the land at hand.
With buildings in New Zealand starting to progress in an upwards direction and increasing in density, its imperative that your gas, plumbing and sanitary drainage is efficiently designed, can cater to high volumes of use and is aesthetically pleasing, with more customers opting for exposed piping as a common theme in 2018.
You need years of experience
One does not simply design a hydraulic pipeline, at least not without spending precious time and money on never-ending guessing games and trial and error. PipeSpec is able to ensure your designs are fit for purpose and comply with regulation, all in a timely manner. Allowing you to concentrate on what’s important to the success of your project.
You need to avoid setbacks
We all have deadlines in life, some with more consequences than others. Unfortunately, this industry is one where the dollars quick stack up when targets aren’t met. Who’s to blame when this happens? It can often be things beyond our control, such as the weather, new materials, bespoke designs or unforeseen circumstances. But to keep things on track you need problem solvers with the knowledge and experience to hit the ground running. PipeSpec will ensure your draining, hydraulic pipelines, plumbing, sewer, stormwater and water reticulation designs are bulletproof and designed to withstand whatever its environment throws at it Just as importantly, our designs are easily maintainable and use industry standards which can be easily understood.
You need the PipeSpec experts
The Council can often find the smallest things which don’t match their codes of compliance, putting safety and quality first. Seemingly simple things like where to place your pipework can have catastrophic consequences if not done correctly. We’ve found ourselves to be vital in completing the building process, ensuring everything is up to scratch and ready to last the test of time.
If your team is ready to get ahead with their subdivision pipework design in 2019, call the plumbing design experts at PipeSpec NZ!
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